Tag Archives: books

Four Line Fiction (2426)

Welcome to Four Line Fiction, a pix-to-prose challenge. The concept for the challenge is simple. Every second Tuesday (bi-weekly) I will post an image I have captured myself, featured from another blog or plucked from the Interweb. You as the writer are to use that image as a point of inspiration to craft a masterpiece of fiction in four lines. And now for this week’s image…

Image: Mehmet Ali Ozcan / Anadolu / Getty

In this week’s photo a person looks out over floodwater that covers a stretch of Surfside Beach, Texas from the balcony of their royal blue home. In the foreground, a white address marker decorated with a turquoise seahorse stands partially submerged. Storm Alberto, the first named tropical storm of the 2024 hurricane season, produced heavy winds and rainfall, flooding various communities along the Texas coastline.

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