Four Line Fiction (2420)

Welcome to Four Line Fiction, a pix-to-prose challenge. The concept for the challenge is simple. Every second Tuesday (bi-weekly) I will post an image I have captured myself, featured from another blog or plucked from the Interweb. You as the writer are to use that image as a point of inspiration to craft a masterpiece of fiction in four lines. And now for this week’s image…

Image: Ali Jadallah / Anadolu / Getty Images

In this week’s image taken in October 2023 in war torn Gaza, a woman holds a girl clad in bright red and yellow clothing against the grey backdrop of destruction in the wake of Israeli air strikes. Palestinians faced intense bombardment following Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israel. The photographer, Ali Jadallah, has lost four relatives in the conflict.

This week’s image has strong political overtones however I am not looking for commentary or opinion on the war in Gaza. I provided background for the image as I believed it the right thing to do in light of the photographers personal loss. However, this blog is a creative space and the image is meant to spur imagination and creativity. There are many jumping off points for the image including a post apocalyptic tale of survival, planetary upheaval half way across the galaxy, or whatever you want your story to be. The ultimate goal is to inspire writers to craft a piece of fiction.

Note: Any extreme political views or hate propaganda appearing in the comment section will be removed.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Write a four-line work of fiction to complement the image provided. How you interpret the image is up to you. Think of it as a place to start; all you have to do is take the reader on your journey.
  • There are no constraints to format. Prose, poetry, or any other form is acceptable as long as it tells a story in four lines. The length of each line is at your discretion, you do you.
  • When posting to your blog please add a pingback (link) to the Four Line Fiction challenge post and include the tags #gb4lf and #gmgblog on your post.
  • Although posting to your own blog is preferred, should you choose to post in the comments or to your social media accounts please include the tags above and leave a comment here so that others can find your work.
  • All images presented will be credited to the photographer/rights holder and whenever possible linked back to the source. Any featured images from a fellow blogger will only be used after permission has been granted.
  • Tell the world. It would be greatly appreciated if you shared the Four Line Fiction challenge post on your social media accounts. The more writers and readers the better.
  • Post submitted to the Four Line Fiction challenge may be included in Greg’s Blog Sunday Digest weekly review post and may appear on a future podcast. It is understood that all written works remain the property of the author.
  • If you enjoy participating in Four Line Fiction be sure to check out our other writing challenge Five Word Weekly.

Please reach out if you have questions or feedback about this challenge or anything of the content presented on Greg’s Blog.

This post was produced by GMGCreative.
Copyright 2024 Greg Glazebrook @ GMGCreative. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoyed this post please take a moment to participate. Hit the like button and share the link on your social media. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.

4 thoughts on “Four Line Fiction (2420)

  1. Pingback: Four Line Fiction — The Casualties of War – This, That, and the Other

  2. Pingback: Four Line Fiction – Pix to Prose – 5/22/24 – Tessa Dean – Author

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