Five Word Weekly Challenge (2407)

Welcome to the Valentine’s Day edition of Five Word Weekly. Every Sunday at 5:00pm (17:00h) Eastern Standard Time (Canada/United States) five words designed to stoke your creativity will drop on Greg’s Blog. This love-tinged edition is no different.

Your task is to craft prose or poetry using any or all the prompt words. Five Word’s isn’t always themed and when it is, like this Valentine’s Day edition, it doesn’t mean that you are bound to write about the theme. You certainly can if you want, however, how you participate is entirely up to you. Your work(s) can be a single piece using some or all the words, a series of stand-alone projects incorporating at least one of the words in each, or an epic serial linking the words over several entries. Let the words be the inspiration that takes you wherever your imagination leads.

Here are your prompt words for the coming week:

cuddly | diamond | euphoria | heartache | reticent

Be creative and have fun. I look forward to reading what each of you conjures up. Don’t forget to show your fellow bloggers some love -❤️- take some time to read, like, and comment on their responses.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Use as many of the weekly words as you see fit as long as each work contains at least one prompt. You can view the definition of each word at Merriam-Webster by clicking on the word in the text bar located below the word image.
  • If writing multiple pieces, it is recommended (but not essential) that posts be published throughout the week keeping the daily volume of material manageable for your readers. Spreading out the posts will provide continuous content for your blog that will attract multiple visits and develop regular readers. Writing the prompts as a serial should supercharge that effect.
  • There are no constraints to style (prose, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, etc…) or length but please try to keep it to something in the flash fiction realm. Nobody is getting paid here so save the novels for your publisher. Brevity is the key to success.
  • You can use any variation of the words including different forms of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc…), varying definitions (i.e. hibernating bear or bear weight but not homophones like bare necessities), plural forms, tense, etc…
  • When posting to your blog please add a pingback (link) to the Five Word Weekly challenge post and include the tags #gb5ww and #gmgblog on your post.
  • If you prefer, you can submit your work directly to the Five Word Weekly comments section however links to your submission will not appear in the FWW roundup on Greg’s Blog Sunday Digest.
  • Tell the world. It would be greatly appreciated if you shared the Five Word Weekly challenge post to your social media accounts.
  • Post submitted to the Five Words Weekly challenge may be included in a weekly roundup post at Greg’s Blog and may appear on the Five Words Podcast currently in development. It is understood that all written works remain the property of the author.

Please reach out if you have questions or feedback about this challenge or anything of the content presented on Greg’s Blog.

Five Word Podcast
Season 1 Coming Soon.
In the meantime check out Greg’s Blog – The Podcast on Spotify.

This post was produced by GMGCreative.
Copyright 2024 Greg Glazebrook @ GMGCreative. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoyed this post please take a moment to participate. Hit the like button and share the link on your social media. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.

3 thoughts on “Five Word Weekly Challenge (2407)

  1. Pingback: Trust Me, I’m a Cuddly Teddy Bear – Where Stories Can Spark Their Magic

  2. Pingback: Birds of a Feather – This, That, and the Other

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