God of the Sun

The Sun God “Ra” was one of the most powerful deities in the Egyptian pantheon. The ancients did not approach scientific discovery using the methods employed today but they understood the power of Ra’s life-giving energy. The ability of the sun to affect our moods in positive ways is undeniable.

Prayer to Ra

Oh RA, You God of Life, You Lord of Love,
All men live when you shine.

You are the crowned King of the Gods.
The Goddess Aset embraces you, and enfolds you in all seasons.
Those who follow you sing to you with joy, and they bow down their foreheads to the earth in gratitude for your radiant blessings.

Oh RA, You the King of Truth, the Lord of Eternity,
The Prince of Everlastingness, You Sovereign of all Gods,
You God of Life, you Creator of Eternity, You Maker of Heaven.
All the Gods rejoice at your rising.

Oh RA, You giver of all life, the Earth rejoices when it sees your golden rays.
People who have been long dead come forward with cries of joy to behold your beauties every day.
You go forth each day over Heaven and Earth.

Oh RA God of Life, you Lord of Love,
All men live when you shine.

~ Prayer to Ra from the tomb of Shep-en-Mut (25th dynasty)

Living in a Northern climate I can very distinctly recall that moment each spring when I could feel the warmth of the Sun’s rays soaking into my soul. That tingling of warmth on my skin after a long and noticeable absence throughout the cold of winter.

November has always been the worst month for me. I can feel the Sun’s rays withdrawing from the north as my body adjusts to the shortening of days. It is a somber month where each year I can feel twinges of Seasonal Affected Disorder setting in. For me, the effect is short-lived, an adjustment period and by the time December rolls around the effects have all but faded. For others, the lack of sun and its life-giving energy coupled with the body’s shift in circadian rhythms can lead to seasonal anxiety and depression.

Is it any wonder that so many of Humanity’s ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians, centered their lives around the Sun and the Gods of folklore it spawned. Today, if you listen to your body’s own rhythms, you can sense Ra deep within your own existence. Don’t be afraid to let its positive effects shine on all you touch.

Marsha Ingrao’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday #28.
Date: 2022-07-27 | Theme: Sun
Tags: #wqw, #writersquotewednesday

Photo Credit: Unknown, Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Ra Statue images.
Copyright 2022 Greg Glazebrook @ GMG Photography, All Rights Reserved.

4 thoughts on “God of the Sun

  1. Marsha

    Greg, it is so interesting that you brought in a quote from a prayer to the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra. I love how you tied the Egyptian thought in with you personally and SAD in general. Well done. Welcome to WQW 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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